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Dish Antenna

Telecommunication and Multimedia

We're currently living in the global communication ecosystem. Powered by the array of electronic wire, terrestrial and satellite radio, and optical fiber, telecommunication and multimedia are one of the most important industries in the world. 

Why it matters?

Being one of the biggest sector whose influences shapes our society today, this telecommunication and multimedia research area have an opportunity to expand wider in the digital ecosystem. Besides, digital assistance is also undoubtedly regarded as the soul of communication and media departments. Many challenges have been encountered, e.g., lack of agility in system integration, data segmentation and redundancy; therefore, we focus on designing new electronic networking array, data communication, multimedia broadcasting, traffic engineering, digitization, and artificial intelligence at scale. 


There is always a scope for continuous innovations.

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Meet the experts of the telecommunication and multimedia field.

Selected research

Communication Tower

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